The day-to-day front-end to the IETF database for people who work on IETF standards

Getting Started This project is following the standard Git Feature Workflow development model. Learn about all the various steps of the development workflow, from creating a fork to submitting a pull request, in the Contributing guide. Make sure to read the Styleguides section to ensure a cohesive code format across the project. You can submit bug reports, enhancement and new feature requests in the discussions area. Accepted tickets will be converted to issues. Prerequisites Python 3.6 Django 2.x Node.js 16.x […]

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EDS-NLP provides a set of spaCy components that are used to extract information from clinical notes written in French

EDS-NLP provides a set of spaCy components that are used to extract information from clinical notes written in French. If it’s your first time with spaCy, we recommend you familiarise yourself with some of their key concepts by looking at the “spaCy 101” page. Quick start Installation You can install EDS-NLP via pip: We recommend pinning the library version in your projects, or use a strict package manager like Poetry. pip install edsnlp==0.4.0 A first pipeline Once you’ve installed the […]

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A Blender addon that generates a minimap of the current node tree

This is a Blender addon that generates a minimap of the current node tree, allowing for easy navigation and readability Installation Download this repo as a zip, and install it as a normal Blender addon. Usage click the Minimap button in the header of the node editor, and then click “Show minimap” You can then play about with the values that control how the minimap is displayed. Controls: Clicking and dragging on the minimap pans the view Double-clicking the minimap […]

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Automated website screenshots using GitHub Actions

Tool for taking automated screenshots For background on this project see shot-scraper: automated screenshots for documentation, built on Playwright on my blog. Demo A live demo of the output of this tool can be found in the shot-scraper-demo repository. Installation Install this tool using pip: This tool depends on Playwright, which first needs to install its own dedicated browser. Run shot-scraper install once to install that:

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Template-free Prompt Tuning for Few-shot NER

The source codes for EntLM. Dependencies: Cuda 10.1, python 3.6.5 To install the required packages by following commands: $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt To download the pretrained bert-base-cased model: $ cd pretrained/bert-base-cased/ $ sh Few-shot Experiment Run the few-shot experiments on CoNLL 5-shot with: By default, this runs 4 rounds of experiments for each of the sampled datasets.You can also run 10/20/50-shot experiments by editing the line FILE_PATH=dataset/conll/5shot/ in scripts/ . Label word selection You can run the label […]

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A project template which uses FastAPI, Alembic and async SQLModel as ORM

This is a project template which uses FastAPI, Alembic and async SQLModel as ORM. It shows a complete async CRUD template using authentication. Set environment variables Create .env file on root folder and copy the content from .env.example and chage it according to your own configuration. Run project using Docker compose $ docker-compose up -d –build Run Alembic migrations $ docker-compose exec fastapi_server alembic revision –autogenerate $ docker-compose exec fastapi_server alembic upgrade head Setup database with initial data This creates […]

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Standalone web application for collecting a large amount of voices read aloud from the manuscript efficiently

Toji is standalone web application for collecting a large amount of voices read aloud from the manuscript efficiently. Collect voice readings easily! All you need is the manuscripts to read out. The manuscript will appear on the screen, and then press the Record button to record the voice corresponding to the manuscript. Finally, you can download the recorded voices as a zip file. Toji (東寺) is the name of Japanese temple. The name of this repository is derived from a […]

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