Chrome password extractor using python

how to extract and decrypt Google Chrome browser saved passwords using Python with the help of sqlite3 and other modules. install the required libraries >_ pip3 install pycryptodome pypiwin32 doc: Use for learning purpose only Created by Ermias Bahru GitHub View Github    

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Using CV to play the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game

Using CV to play the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game Another simple weekend project, using google’s Posenet to play Chrome “Dinosaur Game”. Authors Method Using Posenet, we detect key body points (keypoints) and find the points of the left and right eye. From there, we obtain the “y-axis” of the eye, and detect any “jump” by calculating the displacement of the y-axis between frames. We use pyautogui library to convert any “jump” signal from the algorithm to pressing the “up” button […]

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CLI tool for comparing images

CLI tool for comparing images Installation Install this tool using pip: Image diff To generate an image showing the difference between two images: image-diff first.jpg second.jpg -o diff.png Count differing pixels To count the number of pixels that have changed, use image-diff count: image-diff first.jpg second.jpg This will output a number followed by a newline. Compile an image The image-diff compile command exists mainly to make this tool easier to test. It can be used to compile an image from […]

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A free sniper bot built to work with PancakeSwap: Router V2

PancakeSwap sniper bot. Automated sniping bot to snipe crypto coin launches. How it works The sniping bot can be used in three different cases: In a fair launch. the token address is announced just at the time of launch, usually via telegram or other social networks. Copy & Pasting quickly is crucial in order to be the first buyer and obtain the best price (hopefully close to listing price) before all the hype. However, using PancakeSwap is slow and doing […]

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ART-Point: Improving Rotation Robustness of Point Cloud Classifiers via Adversarial Rotation

Introduction PyTorch implementation for the paper ART-Point: Improving Rotation Robustness of Point Cloud Classifiers via Adversarial Rotation (CVPR 2022). Repository still under construction/refactoring. Installation Install Requirements $ cd ART-Point/ $ conda env create -f environment.yaml Download ModelNet40 and ShapeNet Parts We use two datasets: After downloading, you should convert the .txt dataset into numpy file (.npy). Then, you can use our code for training and evaluation.You can use the codes in “” for pre-pocessing. Pretraining Models We use the folloing […]

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All the knowledge of the astrophysics data system and the speed of the command line

An unofficial command line interface for the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System. Make queries from the command line as in the webbrowser: $ ads -q “author:^livingston year:2010-2022” Common query elements are implemented as short-hands such as -y|–year,-fa|–first-author, -a|–author: $ ads -fa jenkins -y 2020 Then fuzzy-search the results based on year, author, and title and open the selected article as PDF: Note that entries without open-access PDFs available are dimmed.See ads –help more information. A command-line fuzzy-finder: fzf, version 0.27 or […]

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Automatically email Macfolk their pending updates

Notifier is a Python Script to send emails to Mac users with pending updates (according to Jamf patchmanagement) using the Jamf API and SMTP! How it works Grab API username and password the JAMFREPORTUSER and JAMFREPORTPASS environment variables. Get a bearer token from the Jamf server. This is used for all further authentication. Gets a list of all Patch Management titles on the Jamf server For each Patch Management title, get a list of every version Record the first version […]

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Decompilation as a Service. Explore multiple decompilers and compare their output with minimal effort

Explore multiple decompilers and compare their output with minimal effort. Upload binary, get decompilation. Supported Decompilers angr Ghidra IDA Binary Ninja Note: For IDA and Binary Ninja, you must provide license and binaries. angr and Ghidra will be downloaded automatically. Components Each decompiler is a service that runs in its own container A frontend web service proxies requests to backend service Install You’ll need to add your proprietary packages in backend/*/private. Then just: COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose build Run Point […]

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