Masked Visual Pre-training for Motor Control

Masked Visual Pre-training for Motor Control This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper Masked Visual Pre-training for Motor Control. It contains the benchmark suite, pre-trained models, and the training code to reproduce the results from the paper. Installation Please see for installation instructions. Pre-trained visual enocoders We provide pre-trained visual encoders used in the paper. The models are in the same format as mae and timm: backbone objective data md5 download ViT-S MAE in-the-wild model ViT-S MAE ImageNet […]

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A Python type explainer

Usage First, install the package with pip install typesplainer Then like any other tool such a black, isort. run typesplainer on your desired files or directory. It will automatically find all types and then explain them for you. e.g. python -m typesplainer python -m typesplainer my_directory Features Very performant! Takes 1.7 seconds (YMMV) to explain the entire python rich library source code consisting of around 50,000 lines! Colorized output. Output with colors is going to make sure your eyes […]

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Searches locations based off of a list addresses to find Latitude and Longitude Points

Needed for this project to work you need: Google Places API key – this will actually allow you to grab the lat-longs Initial data needs to be typed in a specific way Google Places API key is a unique number that Google allows you to look through their stuff to grab anything that you want for your project – in this case lat-longs and addresses. Inorder for this to work we need the data to be in a certain way. […]

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Sorting Data in Python With Pandas

Learning pandas sort methods is a great way to start with or practice doing basic data analysis using Python. Most commonly, data analysis is done with spreadsheets, SQL, or pandas. One of the great things about using pandas is that it can handle a large amount of data and offers highly performant data manipulation capabilities. In this video course, you’ll learn how to use .sort_values() and .sort_index(), which will enable you to sort data efficiently in a DataFrame. By the […]

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Processing large JSON files in Python without running out of memory

If you need to process a large JSON file in Python, it’s very easy to run out of memory. Even if the raw data fits in memory, the Python representation can increase memory usage even more. And that means either slow processing, as your program swaps to disk, or crashing when you run out of memory. One common solution is streaming parsing, aka lazy parsing, iterative parsing, or chunked processing. Let’s see how you can apply this technique to JSON […]

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Python Class Constructors: Control Your Object Instantiation

Like many other programming languages, Python supports object-oriented programming. At the heart of Python’s object-oriented capabilities, you’ll find the class keyword, which allows you to define custom classes that can have attributes for storing data and methods for providing behaviors. Once you have a class to work with, then you can start creating new instances or objects of that class, which is an efficient way to reuse functionality in your code. Creating and initializing objects of a given class is […]

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UNeXt: MLP-based Rapid Medical Image Segmentation Network

Official Pytorch Code base for UNeXt: MLP-based Rapid Medical Image Segmentation Network Paper | Project Introduction UNet and its latest extensions like TransUNet have been the leading medical image segmentation methods in recent years. However, these networks cannot be effectively adopted for rapid image segmentation in point-of-care applications as they are parameter-heavy, computationally complex and slow to use. To this end, we propose UNeXt which is a Convolutional multilayer perceptron (MLP) based network for image segmentation. We design UNeXt in […]

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Spam a webhook on discord with a beautiful interface

🤖 Spam a webhook on discord with a beautiful interface. Dependencies ⭐️ PyStyle🌙 Requests Screenshots Interface: Result: (Endlessly) Tutorial 1. Start the program with launch.bat.2. Get the webhook URL: You must have permission to manage webhooks on servers, then go to integration and copy the link. Copy it and paste it in the cmd of the code.3. Enjoy your webhook spam ! Important To change the message go to line : 23 To has the TTS on go to line […]

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Converter image to ascii art with a beautiful interface

📝 Converter image to ascii art with a beautiful interface. Dependencies ⭐️ PyStyle🌙 PyWhatKit🎓 Flask Screenshots Interface: Before Image: After Image: Tutorial 1. Start the program with launch.bat.2. Get the file path: It should render something like this: C:Usersnameimage.png. Copy it and paste it in the cmd of the code.3. Write the name of the file.4. Enjoy your ascii image ! GitHub View Github    

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Delete a webhook on discord with a beautiful interface

💥 Delete a webhook on discord with a beautiful interface.. ⭐️ PyStyle🌙 Requests Screenshots Interface: Result: (Endlessly) Tutorial 1. Start the program with launch.bat.2. Get the webhook URL: You must have permission to manage webhooks on servers, then go to integration and copy the link. Copy it and paste it in the cmd of the code.3. Enjoy your webhook deleter ! GitHub View Github    

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