Drone Verification using SiamRPN Tracker

In this work, we evaluated the authenticity of drone in real time scenario using computer vision based deep tracker. More information about this work is in this file Python version 3.7 has been used. Following installations are required for working code Install the below libraries inside your conda environment conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch pip install opencv-python imutils pyyaml yacs tqdm colorama matplotlib cython tensorboardX For using the code on other platforms except OSX, comment the following line from […]

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Python script to check if your kernel is vulnerable to Dirty pipe CVE-2022-0847

Python script to check if your kernel is vulnerable to Dirty pipe CVE-2022-0847 You can execute directly the script on your system and it will find your kernel version But you can execute the script with as argument a kernel version to check (3 digit kernel version, like 5.10.103) ./check-dirty-pipe.py 5.10.103 and it will print if this version is vulnerable or not:Is your system vulnerable to CVE: False GitHub View Github    

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Guessing passwords with Generative Flows

PassFlow exploits the properties of Generative Flows to perform password guessing and shows very promising results, being competetive against GAN-based approaches [1, 2]. Usage To get the dataset, run curl -L –create-dirs -o data/train.txt https://github.com/d4ichi/PassGAN/releases/download/data/rockyou-train.txt curl -L –create-dirs -o data/test.txt https://github.com/d4ichi/PassGAN/releases/download/data/rockyou-test.txt and then run pip install tqdm torch==1.7.1+cu110 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html to install the needed dependencies. We tested using PyTorch 1.7.1 and CUDA 11.0. Once a model is trained, you can

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Implementation of Trajectory Transformer with attention caching and batched beam search

This is reimplementation of Trajectory Transformer, introduced in Offline Reinforcement Learningas One Big Sequence Modeling Problem paper. The original implementation has few problems with inference speed, namely quadratic attention duringinference and sequential rollouts. The former slows down planning a lot, while the latter does notallow to do rollouts in parallel and utilize GPU to the full. Still, even after all changes, it is not that fast compared to traditional methods such as PPO or SAC/DDPG.However, the gains are huge, what […]

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Just a cli to scrape youtube videos and play it in mpv

What can it do as of now ? It can query the input entered by user on youtube and get the first matching result, and play it in the video player. Let the user choose the video by giving them the first 10 or so search results. Allow users to set the resolution as per their preference. Demo: Requirements: The following packages need to be installed: beautifulsoup4==4.10.0 certifi==2021.10.8 charset-normalizer==2.0.12 idna==3.3 lxml==4.8.0 requests==2.27.1 soupsieve==2.3.1 urllib3==1.26.8 To install the above packages, change […]

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Discord Remote Administration Tool fully written in Python3

Discord Remote Administration Tool fully written in Python3. This is a RAT controlled over Discord with over 20 post exploitation modules. not owned by me, was just looking for the funni code, enjoy I guess <3 https://github.com/moom825/Discord-RAThttps://github.com/Sp00p64/DiscordRAT thanks to moom825 for allowing me to find this and Sp00p64 for creating this master piece <3 Disclaimer: This tool is for educational use only, the author will not be held responsible for any misuse of this tool. Setup Guide: You will first […]

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A Discord Bot to generate posting template for Megadrive server

Deploy to Heroku Steps: Create a Discord Bot by following this tutorial or refer to any youtube video Keep the discord bot token handy Click the deploy to heroku button, and put in the token when asked. Go to your app’s heroku dashboard. Go to resources tab. Click the ✏️ icon and toggle the worker switch to on. Your bot will be online. Detailed Guide: rentry.co How to deploy video Youtube Demo video Youtube Invite the bot and test it […]

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A featureful Python library covers most popular doujin API

A featureful Python library covers most popular doujin API Built on minimalist dependencies to resolves and interacts with ease.It takes a much more dictionaries rather than just raw data, and hope will be extendable. Janda has plenty api support apart from nhentai. Contributing •Documentation •Report Issues Site support Stable: works well | Triage: has some issues | Functional: works normally Features Easy to use: check your intelisense Neat: object taken is re-processed to make it actionable All-in-one: plenty of site […]

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A Python Binder that merge 2 files with any extension by creating a new python file and compiling it to exe which runs both payloads

! You can now use Anonfile direct links due to discord annoying antivirus ! A Python Binder that merge 2 files with any extension by creating a new python file and compiling it to exe which runs both payloads. Prism also offers you the choice to.. Obfuscate your exe Add your exe to startup (appdata/roaming) Custom Icon Custom Name Download python 3.9+ and add python to PATH (https://www.python.org) Run the batch file named “install.bat” to install every modules needed Watch […]

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PyTorch evaluation code and pretrained models for SLPT

PyTorch evaluation code and pretrained models for SLPT (Sparse Local Patch Transformer). Installation Note: this released version was tested on Python3.8, Pytorch 1.10.2 and Windows 11. Install python dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Run Evaluation on WFLW dataset Download and process WFLW dataset Download WFLW dataset and annotation from Here. Unzip WFLW dataset and annotations and move files into ./dataset directory. Your directory should look like this: SLPT └───Dataset │ └───WFLW │ └───WFLW_annotations │ └───list_98pt_rect_attr_train_test │ │ │ └───list_98pt_test └───WFLW_images […]

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