Pump It Up: The EDA

Part One: The data When looking for projects to boost my data cleaning, exploratory data analysis (EDA) and machine learning skills, I came across the DrivenData website and I was sold. I get to hone my skills and contribute to a social challenge — specifically the

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HTML and CSS for Python Developers

When you want to build websites as a Python programmer, there’s no way around HTML and CSS. Almost every website on the Internet is built with HTML markup to structure the page. To make a website look nice, you can style HTML with CSS. If you’re interested in web development with Python, then knowing HTML and CSS will help you understand web frameworks like Django and Flask better. But even if you’re just getting started with Python, HTML and CSS […]

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Building Command Line Interfaces With argparse

One of the strengths of Python is that it comes with batteries included: it has a rich and versatile standard library that makes it one of the best programming languages for writing scripts for the command line. But, if you write scripts for the command line, then you also need to provide a good command line interface, which you can create with the Python argparse library. In this video course, you’ll learn: What the Python argparse library is, and why […]

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Python News: What’s New From August 2022

In August 2022, Python inched closer to the 3.11 release, pandas introduced enhancement proposals, various packages saw new releases, Python extended its lead at the top of the TIOBE index, and PyPI battled malware. Read on for more details about what happened in the world of Python in August 2022! Python Has PEPs, NumPy Has NEPs, pandas Now Has PDEPs The first pandas enhancement proposal (PDEP) was submitted on August 3, 2022, and was entitled Purpose and guidelines. Enhancement proposals […]

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15 Common AI Problem Types

One of the problems business leaders face in communicating with their technical counterparts is trying to describe their AI problem. To simplify some of the communication, here are some common AI problem types. Try to map AI opportunities at hand to these common problem types. Note that the problem types often overlap—but that’s ok. The key is to identify problem types that most closely match the task at hand when communicating with your AI and data science experts. Common AI […]

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Even if AI is Your Goal, Why Starting Without AI Improves Outcomes

When it comes to software automation, many teams turn to AI as their potential answer. AI in the form of machine learning or NLP may be an excellent solution to a problem. But did you know that the best way to start AI initiatives is to start with no AI at all? This may seem counterintuitive, but there’s a simple reason for it. It’s because you may not be ready for AI as a solution. There could be several missing elements that’ll prevent you from seeing success with AI if pursued prematurely. When it comes to AI, it’s not far-fetched to […]

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How Sentiment Analysis Keeps Your Brand in Check (and How to Get Started)

We’ve all heard of sentiment analysis, but what exactly is it and what can it do for your brand, your business, and how can you get started with it? What is Sentiment Analysis? Sentiment analysis relates to analyzing content such as social media comments, customer feedback, employee feedback, and even facial expressions in images to render sentiment orientation. These sentiments can be as broad as just saying that the specific content is from a “detractor” or “promoter,” or it can be […]

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How Can You Install a Pre-Release Version of Python?

The Python language is in constant development. A new version is released annually in October to great fanfare. Before these stable releases, you can preview the new features by installing a pre-release of Python. Volunteers worldwide work on developing Python by updating the documentation, reporting issues, suggesting and discussing improvements, fixing bugs, and implementing new features. You can join this work and contribute to the efforts. The best way to start getting involved in the development of Python is to […]

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Python Basics: Functions and Loops

Functions are the building blocks of almost every Python program. They’re where the real action takes place! In your Python Basics journey, you’ve probably encountered functions such as print(), len(), and round(). These are all built-in functions because they come built into the Python language itself. You can also create user-defined functions that perform specific tasks. Functions break code into smaller chunks and are great for defining actions that a program will execute several times throughout your code. Instead of […]

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