Haystack: Finding passion in NLP

Big language models are a new trend that is about to launch and influence NLP and search engines. NLP with advances in Deep Learning is getting behind fascinating use cases, like question answering in healthcare and finance. Haystack platform enables you to create flexible search pipelines, starting with document conversions (say, pdf to text), extracting metadata useful for search & filter later, proceeding to semantic indexing and similarity matching. You can combine sparse retrieval with dense search, all    

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How to Replace a String in Python

If you’re looking for ways to remove or replace all or part of a string in Python, then this tutorial is for you. You’ll be taking a fictional chat room transcript and sanitizing it using both the .replace() method and the re.sub() function. In Python, the .replace() method and the re.sub() function are often used to clean up text by removing strings or substrings or replacing them. In this tutorial, you’ll be playing the role of a developer for a […]

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Análise de Sentimentos em Português utilizando Machine Learning

Guia prático de um projeto de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (NLP) O processamento de linguagem natural (Natural Language Processing, NLP) é um ramo da inteligência artificial (IA) que permite aos computadores compreender, gerar e manipular a linguagem humana. O NLP está inserida no nosso cotidiano nas pesquisas que fazemos no Google, por exemplo, e faz    

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Italian Politics in 4-Years-Tweets

In two weeks, on the 25th of September 2022, Italy will face the general election through which the members of Parliament will be selected. Several parties will compete, but only a bunch of them have the possibility to gain a significant number of seats in the two chambers of the Parliament. Essentially these belong to four coalitions (even though the last one is made by just one party):

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