Fair Hostel Pick With AI
How to be unbiased when choosing the hostel for your next trip
Read moreDeep Learning, NLP, NMT, AI, ML
How to be unbiased when choosing the hostel for your next trip
Read moreIn September 2022, the Python 3.11.0rc2 release candidate version became available for you to test and stay on top of Python’s latest features. This release is the last preview version before the final release of Python 3.11.0, which is scheduled for October 24, 2022. Python’s latest bugfix versions, including 3.10.7, have introduced breaking changes to cope with a security vulnerability that affects the str to int conversion and can leave you open to DDoS attacks. As usual, the Python ecosystem […]
Read moreHave you ever wondered how AI personal assistants such as Siri,Cortana or Amazon’s Alexa work ? How can they even understand human language so they can interact with humans? How does Google manage to guess the words you were about to write from the first letters?
Read moreVirtues that are booming Python’s popularity and its weak points.
Read moreIn this project, we are going to use spacy for entity recognition on 200 Resume and experiment around various NLP tools for text analysis. The main purpose of this project is to help recruiters go throwing hundreds of applications within a few minutes. We will be using two datasets; the first contains resume texts and the second contains skills that we will use to create an entity ruler. A collection of 2400+ Resume Examples taken from livecareer.com for categorizing a […]
Read moreConverting first person point of view to reported speech in the Turkish language.
Read moreFrom learning the basics of AI to diving deeper in order to solve real-world problems.
Read moreDescribing a book well is difficult. Can NLP help?
Read morespaCy is one of the main Python language libraries for Natural Language Processing (NLP).In this article you will discover the basics of NLP methods with spaCy. !pip install spacyimport spacy
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