Numerical Methods with Python, Numpy and Matplotlib

Numerical Bric-a-Brac

Collections of numerical techniques with Python and standard computational packages (Numpy, SciPy, Numba, Matplotlib …).

Implicit Solver

Folder implicit_solver

Description Implicit Solver.

Explore code generation of vectorized code for physics solver.

  • Time Integrator : Baraff and Witkin’s
  • Spring / Area / Bending / Collision Constraint
  • Early code generator for vectorized code

Implicit Solver Beam

Path Tracing

Folder path_tracing

Description Path Tracer with Python and Numba

  • Multithreading with Memory pool per-thread

Monte Carlo Path Tracer


Examples of convolution neural network architectures.

ConvNet Convolution neural network with Keras
ResNet Residual neural network with Keras

Generative Network

Examples of generative neural




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