Music library streaming app written in Flask & VueJS

This is a little toy app made to explore Vue, brush up on my Python, and make a remote music collection accessable through a web interface. It has a rudimentary file browser. Additionally, it decodes files using ffmpeg
, reencodes as webm vorbis and streams them to the browser.
This is an active work in progress. Notably, it needs better authentication, validation against the user input to ffmpeg, and better UI controls.
How to set up a test environment
- Linux (may work on OS X, untested)
- Docker
Clone this repo, then
virtualenv --python=python3 virtualenv
source virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
echo "export MUSIC_DIR=$YOUR_PATH_HERE" >> .env
echo "export SECRET_KEY=$(python -c 'import os; print(os.urandom(16))')" >> .env
echo "export ADMIN_PASSWORD='super secret password unicorn'" >> .env
echo "export DB_CONNECTION_STRING='sqlite:///sqlite.db'" >> .env