Multi-Task Framework for Cross-Lingual Abstractive Summarization


Multi-Task Framework for Cross-Lingual Abstractive Summarization (MCLAS)
The code for ACL2021 paper Cross-Lingual Abstractive Summarization with Limited Parallel Resources (Paper).

Some codes are borrowed from PreSumm (


Python version: This code is in Python3.7

Package Requirements: torch==1.1.0, transformers, tensorboardX, multiprocess, pyrouge

Needs few changes to be compatible with torch 1.4.0~1.8.0, mainly tensor type (bool) bugs.

Data Preparation

To improve training efficiency, we preprocessed concatenated dataset (with target “monolingual summary + [LSEP] + cross-lingual summary”) and normal dataset (with target “cross-lingual summary”) in advance.

You can build your own dataset or download our preprocessed dataset.

Download Preprocessed dataset.

  1. En2De dataset: Google Drive Link.
  2. En2EnDe (concatenated) dataset: Google Drive Link.
  3. Zh2En dataset: Google Drive Link.
  4. Zh2ZhEn (concatenated) dataset: Google Drive Link.
  5. En2Zh




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