Medical image analysis framework merging ANTsPy and deep learning

A collection of deep learning architectures and applications ported to the python language and tools for basic medical image processing. Based on keras and tensorflow with cross-compatibility with our R analog ANTsRNet.
Documentation page
- Nicholas J. Tustison, Talissa A. Altes, Kun Qing, Mu He, G. Wilson Miller, Brian B. Avants, Yun M. Shim, James C. Gee, John P. Mugler III, Jaime F. Mata. Image- vs. histogram-based considerations in semantic segmentation of pulmonary hyperpolarized gas images. (medrxiv)
- Nicholas J. Tustison, Philip A. Cook, Andrew J. Holbrook, Hans J. Johnson, John Muschelli, Gabriel A. Devenyi, Jeffrey T. Duda, Sandhitsu R. Das, Nicholas C. Cullen, Daniel L. Gillen, Michael A. Yassa, James R. Stone, James C. Gee, and Brian B. Avants