Machine Translation Weekly 62: The EDITOR

Papers about new models for sequence-to-sequence modeling have always been my
favorite genre. This week I will talk about a model called
EDITOR that was introduced in a pre-print
of a paper that will appear in the TACL
with authors from the University
of Maryland.

The model is based on the Levenshtein
, a partially non-autoregressive
model for sequence-to-sequence learning. Autoregressive models generate the
output left-to-right (or right-to-left), conditioning each step on the
previously generated token. On the other hand, non-autoregressive models assume
the probability of all target tokens is conditionally independent. The
generation can be thus heavily parallelized, which makes it very fast, but the
speed is typically reached at the expense of the translation quality. Getting
reasonable translation quality requires further tricks such as



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