List of all dependencies affected by node-ipc malicious commit

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  • List of all dependencies affected by node-ipc malicious commit
  • Please improve upon this, it’s a one time thing i’ve done on a whim
  • Use ctrl+F to search
  • ripped from:
  • note: this is not a list of all software affected by node-ipc, that list might be exponentially larger, someoner smarter and more skilled than me should go find out how exactly to map this all out
  • feel free to suggest any more links
  • I’m currently a year 1 semester 2 CS student, so I’m sorta busy, i’ll periodically check up & update this every sunday GMT +8 timezone. So please fork / clone this if im being too slow haha XD

Aaron Dewes Node-IPC Fork:

Bernard Gütermann Script to




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