Library to play with filtering numeric sequences by sums of their pairs, triplets, etc. With a bonus CLI demo

A library to play with filtering numeric sequences by sums of their pairs, triplets, etc.
Comes with a bonus CLI to demo the functionality.
Requires (and CI tests on) python 3.8 to 3.10.
If you need to use python 3.7 then try
with functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, some_iterable)
We’re thinking of this mostly as a library with the CLI as only for demo purposes.
Ways you can see this in the code:
- logging should really handled by the consumer,
- our
should be something that is passed into the lib
- our
- the CLI is pretty light on automated tests
- we use pretty loose production dependency pinning
- rather than
pip freeze > requirements.txt
of a deployed app - we want to keep things loose so that consumers can keep
- rather than