Learning to Tile with Self-Supervised Graph Neural Network

TilinGNN: Learning to Tile with Self-Supervised Graph Neural Network (SIGGRAPH 2020)
The goal of our research problem is illustrated below: given a tile set (a) and a 2D region to be filled (b), we aim to produce a tiling (c) that maximally covers the interior of the given region without overlap or hole between the tile instances.
This project is implemented in Python 3.7. You need to install the following packages to run our program.
- Pytorch (tested with v1.2.0): compulsory, to manipulate the tensors on GUP, and to build up the networks.
- Pytorch Geometric (tested with v1.3.2): compulsory, to build up the graph networks.
- Numpy: compulsory, to manipulate the arrays and their computations.
- Shapely (tested