Learn to Develop Simple Chatbots using Python and Deep Learning!

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon


A Chatbot is an application(software) that is used to manage an online chat conversation through text or text to speech format. Most of the chatbots are accessed online through various websites or assistances(virtual) with a popup.

Examples:- E-commerce websites, health, news, etc.

Chatbot image
Image source: https://www.syncfusion.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/tile.jpg


Agenda of this article:

1) Data and Libraries

2) Initialize Training of Chatbot

3) Build the Deep Learning Model

4) Build GUI of Chatbot

5) Run the Chatbot

6) Conclusion

Data and Libraries

We need the following components to be required for running our chatbot.

1. train_chatbot.py:- coding for reading natural language text/data into the training set. Also, we are using a sequential neural network to create a model using Keras.

2. chat_gui.py:- code for creating a graphical user interface for a




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