Java Machine Learning

Last Updated on September 29, 2016
Are you a Java programmer and looking to get started or practice machine learning?
Writing programs that make use of machine learning is the best way to learn machine learning. You can write the algorithms yourself from scratch, but you can make a lot more progress if you leverage an existing open source library.
In this post you will discover the major platforms and open source machine learning libraries you can use in Java.
This section describes Java-based environments or workbenches that can be used for machine learning. They are called environments because they provided graphical user interfaces for performing machine learning tasks, but also provided Java APIs for developing your own applications.
Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (Weka) is a machine learning platform developed by the University of Waikato, New Zealand. It is written in Java and provides a graphical user interface, command line interface and Java API. It is perhaps the most popular Java machine learning library and a great place to start or practice machine learning.