Interview: How a Beginner Used Small Projects To Get Started in Machine Learning

Last Updated on August 15, 2020
It is valuable to get insight into how real people are getting started in machine learning.
In this post you will discover how a beginner (just like you) got started and is making great progress in applying machine learning.
I find interviews like this absolutely fascinating because of all of the things you can learn. I’m sure you will too.

Use Small Projects To Get Started
Photo by pixonomy, some rights reserved.
Q. What resources did you use to get started in machine learning?
- The famous online course “Machine Learning” by Andrew Ng.
- The book “An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R” by Gareth James et al.
- Seriously competing in a kaggle featured competition, trying to get the highest rank possible. Very intense, great learning experience.
- Your newsletter and blog, and a couple of guides you wrote. Especially “Small Projects Methodology“.
This approach worked well to get a working knowledge of different techniques of machine learning: What technique works in which scenarios and what are the rough theoretical basics
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