Information Retrieval using word2vec based Vector Space Model


  • Learn about Information Retrieval (IR), Vector Space Models (VSM), and Mean Average Precision (MAP)
  • Create a project on Information Retrieval using word2vec based Vector Space Model



“Google it!”- Isn’t it something we say every day?

Whenever we come across something that we don’t know about, we “Google it.” Google Search is a great tool that can be used for even finding a needle from a haystack. This generation absolutely relies on Google for answers to all kinds of problems they face. From personal complications to business solutions, Google guides you to the ultimate remedy.

But there is a catch. Let’s say you wish to search through your company’s documents, or suppose you have an e-commerce website where you want users to search for the products they need. What will you do? Will you use Google Search for that too? Absolutely Not! Because first we generally don’t want any other company’s involvement in our system and second we cannot put our private data on the internet for public access. Then,

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