How to Use Google’s NLP API to Analyze and Produce Better Content


Machine learning has revolutionized the way content marketers create content. It gave deep insights into what actually the search engine bots crawl and how they understand the natural language. Writing content today is a lot different than it was 15 years ago. In the past, the content was created for the Search Engines, which was enough to rank the website high. But, today, valuable content is not the one made specifically for search engines.

In fact, creating such content can even have a counter effect and have your website evaluated as not authoritative, and in worse cases – penalized. No, today’s valuable content must put the target reader in the focus and give answers to their questions. It must nurture the target reader by providing them with all the essentials in written form so that they can solve their problem for which they went searching on Google. Hence, machine learning and Natural Language Processors today exist to ease this process. Here is everything you should know about the natural




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