How to Code a Neural Network with Backpropagation In Python (from scratch)

Last Updated on December 1, 2019
The backpropagation algorithm is used in the classical feed-forward artificial neural network.
It is the technique still used to train large deep learning networks.
In this tutorial, you will discover how to implement the backpropagation algorithm for a neural network from scratch with Python.
After completing this tutorial, you will know:
- How to forward-propagate an input to calculate an output.
- How to back-propagate error and train a network.
- How to apply the backpropagation algorithm to a real-world predictive modeling problem.
Kick-start your project with my new book Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch, including step-by-step tutorials and the Python source code files for all examples.
Let’s get started.
- Update Nov/2016: Fixed a bug in the activate() function. Thanks Alex!
- Update Jan/2017: Fixes issues with Python 3.
- Update Jan/2017: Updated small bug in update_weights(). Thanks Tomasz!
- Update Apr/2018: Added direct link to CSV dataset.
- Update Aug/2018: Tested and updated to work with Python 3.6.
- Update Sep/2019: Updated wheat-seeds.csv to fix formatting issues.