How do Transformers Work in NLP? A Guide to the Latest State-of-the-Art Models


  • The Transformer model in NLP has truly changed the way we work with text data
  • Transformer is behind the recent NLP developments, including Google’s BERT
  • Learn how the Transformer idea works, how it’s related to language modeling, sequence-to-sequence modeling, and how it enables Google’s BERT model



I love being a data scientist working in Natural Language Processing (NLP) right now. The breakthroughs and developments are occurring at an unprecedented pace. From the super-efficient ULMFiT framework to Google’s BERT, NLP is truly in the midst of a golden era.

And at the heart of this revolution is the concept of the Transformer. This has transformed the way we data scientists work with text data – and you’ll soon see how in this article.

Want an example of how useful Transformer is? Take a look at the paragraph below:

The highlighted words refer to the same person –




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