How Beginners Get It Wrong In Machine Learning

Last Updated on October 3, 2016
The 5 Most Common Mistakes That Beginners Make
And How To Avoid Them.
I help beginners get started in machine learning.
But I see the same mistakes in both mindset and action again and again.
In this post, you will discover the 5 most common ways that I see beginners slip-up when getting started in machine learning.
I firmly believe that
anyone can get started and do really well
with applied machine learning.
Hopefully, you can identify yourself in one or more of the traps below and take some corrective action to get back on course.
Let’s get started.

How NOT To Get Started With Machine Learning
Photo by Bart Everson, some rights reserved.
1) Don’t Start With Theory
The traditional approach to teach machine learning is bottom up.
- Work hard to learn the background in math.
- Work hard to learn the theory of machine learning.
- Work hard to implement algorithms from scratch
- ??? (insert magic here)
- Finally start using machine learning (your goal!).