GVT is a generic translation tool for parts of text on the PC screen with Text to Speak functionality

GVT is a generic translation tool for parts of text on the PC screen with Text to Speech functionality.
I wanted to create it because the existing tools that I experimented with did not satisfy me in ease-to-use experience and configuration.
Personally I used it with Lost Ark (example included generated by 2k monitor) to translate simple dialogues of quests in Italian.
Tested Operating Systems : Windows 10/11
Python Version: 3.9.6
- Easynmt
- OpenCV2
- Easyocr
- Numpy
- Deepl (Unofficial API)
- Pyttsx3
- Pywin32
- WXWidgets
- Pygame
- Keyboard
The requirements.txt
file has been created with the versions currently installed on my pc, but it is not excluded that GVT could work also with newer or older versions of the same libraries
Requirements installation commandpip install -r requirements.txt
💪How it works