GreynirCorrect: Spelling and grammar correction for Icelandic

GreynirCorrect: Spelling and grammar correction for Icelandic


GreynirCorrect is a Python 3 (>= 3.6) package and command line tool for checking and correcting spelling and grammar in Icelandic text.

GreynirCorrect relies on the Greynir package, by the same authors, to tokenize and parse text.

GreynirCorrect is documented in detail here.

The software has three main modes of operation, described below.

Token-level correction

GreynirCorrect can tokenize text and return an automatically corrected token stream. This catches token-level errors, such as spelling errors and erroneous phrases, but not grammatical errors. Token-level correction is relatively fast.

Full grammar analysis

GreynirCorrect can analyze text grammatically by attempting to parse it, after token-level correction. The parsing is done according to Greynir’s context-free grammar for Icelandic, augmented with additional production rules for common grammatical errors. The analysis returns




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