Gentle Introduction to Generative Long Short-Term Memory Networks

Last Updated on August 14, 2019
The Long Short-Term Memory recurrent neural network was developed for sequence prediction.
In addition to sequence prediction problems. LSTMs can also be used as a generative model
In this post, you will discover how LSTMs can be used as generative models.
After completing this post, you will know:
- About generative models, with a focus on generative models for text called language modeling.
- Examples of applications where LSTM Generative models have been used.
- Examples of how to model text for generative models with LSTMs.
Kick-start your project with my new book Long Short-Term Memory Networks With Python, including step-by-step tutorials and the Python source code files for all examples.
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Gentle Introduction to Generative Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Photo by Fraser Mummery, some rights reserved.
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