FHEM Connector for FHT Heating devices

FHEM Connector for FHT Heating devices (connected via FHEM)
Requires FHEM to work
You can find FHEM here: https://fhem.de/
Requires manual setup via FHEM-WEBbapi
Setup for the FHEM WEBapi here: https://github.com/Rsclub22/home-assistant-fht#fhem-webapi
IMPORTANT: The WEBapi needs to be accesabile without a password
The FHEM Connector needs to be cloned into the custom_components folder
Download the FHEM Connector here: https://github.com/Rsclub22/home-assistant-fht/releases/download/v0.2/fht_heating.zip
and unzip it in your custom_components
directory. If it doesn’t exist create the directory with mkdir custom_components
and change the permissions with chmod 777 custom_components
and chown homeassistant custom_components
run these commands to open the WEBapi from FHEM
with the IP of your Home-Assitant Instance