Extract the table in the PDF,outputs the data similar to the json format
In the RPA project, the content in pdf format needs to be extracted and the table format is retained. I have been struggling for many days in the network to find an open source library that fully meets the needs of the project. Finally, the pymupdf + cv2 framework is used to read the content of pdf from pymupdf (pumupdf also supports xps format files), and cv2 elaborates the drawing in the proposed content and calculates the table, and finally finds the relationship between the found content text and the table. There are many projects, and the code is very fragmented, but I hope to help those in need.
- tabula-py源码使用java实现,可以参考tabula-java。提取PDF表格能力强悍,但在项目运行中偶尔出现一些异常
- pdfplumber使用非常便捷,但部分pdf中的表格无法提取
- camelot因为本人水平有限,pip安装过程中遇到一些问题,导致无法安装