Extend Machine Learning Tools and Demonstrate Mastery

Last Updated on June 7, 2016
After you have been using a tool for a while, you will develop a specific way of working with it.
You may even have deep knowledge of the limitations of the tool and how to fix them, or be frustrated by specific features that are missing.
You can augment machine learning tools to formalize the way you use it, fix limitations and add new features. Augmenting tools by creating plug-ins, patches and wrappers and releasing them as open source projects can also demonstrate your mastery in using the tool.
In this post you will discover a quick 5-step process that you can use to augment a machine learning tool and share the results.

Extend Machine Learning Tools
Photo by James Case, some rights reserved.
Bend The Tool To Your Needs
After you have been using one machine learning tool for a while on a project or across projects, you build up a deep knowledge for how to use it. You also get a good idea of the
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