Don’t Start with Open-Source Code When Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms

Last Updated on August 12, 2019
Edward Raff is the author of the Java Machine Learning library called JSAT (which is an acronym for Java Statistical Analysis Tool).
Edward has implemented many algorithms in creating this library and I recently reached out to him and asked what advice he could give to beginners implementing machine learning algorithms from scratch.
In this post we take a look at tips on implementing machine learning algorithms based on Edwards advice.
Kick-start your project with my new book Master Machine Learning Algorithms, including step-by-step tutorials and the Excel Spreadsheet files for all examples.

Implement Machine Learning Algorithms from Scratch
Photo by, some rights reserved
Don’t Read Other Peoples Source Code
At least, not initially.
What drew me to ask Edward questions about his advice on implementing machine learning algorithms from scratch was his comment on a Reddit question, titled appropriately “Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms“.
In his comment, Edward suggested that beginners avoid looking at source code of other
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