Details,PoC and patches for CVE-2021-45383 & CVE-2021-45384

There are several network-layer vulnerabilities in the official server of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition (aka Bedrock Server),which allow attacker to launch a DoS attack.
CVE-2021-45383 is an integer overflow leading to a bound check bypass.
CVE-2021-45384 is a null pointer dereference.
Here are details & PoCs & possible patches for them.

Because both vulnerabilities lie in the network protocol handler,attackers can launch a DoS attack without logining or being in the server player allowlist.
CVE-2021-45383 affects Bedrock Server 1.16.0-
CVE-2021-45384 is an old vulnerability and affects 1.14.0-,earlier versions may be affected as well.
CVE-2021-45383 is caused by ClientCacheBlobStatusPacket::_read (packet deserializer)

u32 size1=readUnsignedVarInt();
u32 size2=readUnsignedVarInt();
if (size1+size2>0xfff){


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