DataHack Radio #12: Exploring the Nuts and Bolts of Natural Language Processing with Sebastian Ruder

There’s text everywhere around us, from digital sources like social media to physical objects like books and print media. The amount of text data being generated every day is mind boggling and yet we’re not even close to harnessing the full power of natural language processing.
I see a ton of aspiring data scientists interested in this field, but they often turn away daunted by the challenges NLP presents. It’s such a niche line of work, and we at Analytics Vidhya would love to see more of our community actively participate in ground-breaking work in this field.
So we thought what better way to do this than get an NLP expert on our DataHack Radio podcast? Yes, we’ve got none other than Sebastian Ruder in Episode 12! This podcast is a knowledge goldmine for NLP enthusiasts, so make sure you tune in.
It’s catapulted to the top of my machine learning