Darkdump: Search The Deep Web Straight From Your Terminal
About Darkdump
Darkdump is a simple script written in Python3.9 in which it allows users to enter a search term (query) in the command line and darkdump will pull all the deep web sites relating to that query. Darkdump wraps up the darksearch.io API.
git clone https://github.com/josh0xA/darkdump
cd darkdump
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 darkdump.py --help
Example 1: python3 darkdump.py --query programming
Example 2: python3 darkdump.py --query="chat rooms"
Example 3: python3 darkdump.py --query hackers --page 2
- Note: The ‘page’ argument filters through the inputted page number of the results that the darksearch engine returns
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