Converting Python Scripts to Executable Files

In this tutorial, we will explore the conversion of Python scripts to Windows executable files in four simple steps. Although there are many ways to do it, we’ll be covering, according to popular opinion, the simplest one so far.
This tutorial has been designed after reviewing many common errors that people face while performing this task, and hence contains detailed information to install and set up all the dependencies as well. Feel free to skip any step, if you already have those dependencies installed. Without any further ado, let’s start.
Step 1: Install cURL
cURL provides a library and command line tool for transferring data using various protocols. We need it to download the pip package manager in the next step. Many of you would already have it set up, which you can check by running the following command:
$ curl --version
If the command above returns a curl version, you can skip the next instructions in this step. As for the rest of you, you can install curl by following these three steps:
- Go to*&cpu=x86_64
- Download the curl package which matches your system’s