Compare Models And Select The Best Using The Caret R Package

Last Updated on December 13, 2019
The Caret R package allows you to easily construct many different model types and tune their parameters.
After creating and tuning many model types, you may want know and select the best model so that you can use it to make predictions, perhaps in an operational environment.
In this post you discover how to compare the results of multiple models using the caret R package.
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Let’s get started.
Compare Machine Learning Models
While working on a problem, you will settle on one or a handful of well-performing models. After tuning the parameters of each, you will want to compare the models and discover which are the best and worst performing.
It is useful to get an idea of the spread of the models, perhaps one can be improved, or you can stop working on one that is clearly performing worse than the others.
In the example below we compare three sophisticated machine learning models in the Pima Indians diabetes dataset. This dataset is a summary from a
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