Code examples for running V4L2 USB Cameras on NVIDIA Jetson Developer Kits

Code examples for running V4L2 USB Cameras on NVIDIA Jetson Developer Kits

Here are a few examples on how to interface a USB Camera with a Jetson Developer Kit through V4L2 and GStreamer.

“Plug and Play” USB cameras on Linux, such as webcams, use the kernel module uvcvideo to interface with the Video 4 Linux subsystem (V4L2). Several specialty cameras such as the Stereolabs ZED camera and Intel RealSense cameras also use uvcvideo.

In the Jetson Camera Architecture, you can use V4L2 or GStreamer (which runs on top of V4L2) to interface with such devices. OpenCV is used in these samples to demonstrate how to read the cameras. OpenCV works with multiple camera front ends, including V4L2 and GStreamer. OpenCV is included in the default Jetson software install, and




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