Cloud-optimized, single-file archive format for pyramids of map tiles

PMTiles is a single-file archive format for tiled data. A PMTiles archive can be hosted on a commodity storage platform such as S3, and enables low-cost, zero-maintenance map applications that are “serverless” – free of a custom tile backend or third party provider.

Protomaps Blog: Dynamic Maps, Static Storage

Leaflet + Raster Tiles Demo – watch your network request log

MapLibre GL + Vector Tiles Demo – requires MapLibre GL JS v1.14.1-rc.2 or later

See also:

How To Use




pip install pmtiles
pmtiles-convert TILES.mbtiles TILES.pmtiles
pmtiles-convert TILES.pmtiles DIRECTORY
pmtiles-show TILES.pmtiles // see info about a PMTiles directory
pmtiles-serve TILES.pmtiles // start an HTTP server that decodes PMTiles into traditional Z/X/Y paths





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