Experimental WebAssembly build of GNU Radio

what Experimental WebAssembly build of GNU Radio that runs in a browser tab why For some reason I thought it would be easy narrator: it was not, in fact, easy but I eventually got a proof-of-concept ~working, so I thought Iā€™d share šŸ™‚ status: experimental proof-of-concept This is a proof-of-concept WebAssembly build of GNU Radio Companion which can generate and run basic flowgraphs. It includes gr-qtgui and supports visualization using the QT GUI sink-blocks. The GNU Radio Companion UI is […]

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Libraries for creating and controlling interactive web pages with Python

IDOM Libraries for creating and controlling interactive web pages with Python 3.7 and above. Try it Now Click the badge above to get started! It will take you to a Jupyter Notebookshosted by Binder with some great examples. Or Install it Now pip install idom[stable] IDOM can be used to create a simple slideshow which changes whenever a user clicks an image. import idom @idom.component def Slideshow(): index, set_index = idom.hooks.use_state(0) url = f”https://picsum.photos/800/300?image={index}” return idom.html.img({“src”: url, “onClick”: lambda event: […]

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Python with the scientific stack compiled to WebAssembly

Pyodide Pyodide may be used in any context where you want to run Python inside a web browser. Pyodide brings the Python 3.8 runtime to the browser via WebAssembly, along with the Python scientific stack including NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SciPy, and scikit-learn. The packages directory lists over 75 packages which are currently available. In addition it’s possible to install pure Python wheels from PyPi. Pyodide provides transparent conversion of objects between Javascript and Python. When used inside a browser, Python […]

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