3D telemedicine brings better care to underserved and rural communities, even across continents

Introduction Providing healthcare in remote or rural areas is challenging, particularly specialized medicine and surgical procedures. Patients may need to travel long distances just to get to medical facilities and to communicate with caregivers. They may not arrive in time to receive essential information before their medical appointments and may have to return home before they can receive crucial follow-up care at the hospital. Some patients may wait several days just to meet with their surgeon. This is a very […]

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Research Focus: Week of May 22, 2023

Welcome to Research Focus, a series of blog posts that highlights notable publications, events, code/datasets, new hires and other milestones from across the research community at Microsoft. In this article NEW RESEARCH Causal Reasoning and Large Language Models: Opening a New Frontier for Causality Emre Kıcıman, Robert Ness, Amit Sharma, Chenhao Tan Recent  

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REACT — A synergistic cloud-edge fusion architecture

This research paper was accepted by the eighth ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), which is a premier venue on IoT. The paper describes a framework that leverages cloud resources to execute large deep neural network (DNN) models with higher accuracy to improve the accuracy of models running on edge devices. Leveraging the cloud and edge concurrently The internet is evolving towards an edge-computing architecture to support latency-sensitive DNN workloads in the emerging Internet of  

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Achieving Zero-COGS with Microsoft Editor Neural Grammar Checker

Microsoft Editor provides AI-powered writing assistance to millions of users around the world. One of its features that writers of all levels and domains rely on is the grammar checker, which detects grammar errors in a user’s writing and offers suggested corrections and explanations of the detected errors. The technology behind grammar checker has evolved significantly since the 1970s, when the first-generation tool was based on simple pattern matching. A major breakthrough occurred in 1997, when Microsoft Word 97 introduced […]

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Large-language models for automatic cloud incident management

This research was accepted by the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), which is a forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to gather, present, and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and issues in the field of software engineering. The Microsoft 365 Systems Innovation research group has a paper accepted at the 45thInternational Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), widely recognized as one of the most prestigious research conferences on software engineering. This paper, Recommending Root-Cause and Mitigation Steps […]

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Highlights from CHI 2023

The ways in which people are able to interact with technologies can have a profound effect on a technology’s utility and adoptability. Building computing tools and services around people’s natural styles of work, communication, and play can give technology the value it needs to have meaningful impact. For decades, human-computer interaction (HCI) has examined the relationship between people and computers to help maximize the capabilities of each across a range of experiences and situations. The ACM CHI Conference on Human […]

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Microsoft at EuroSys 2023: Systems innovation across the stack to help support an easier, faster, safer, and smarter cloud

EuroSys 2023 is the premier systems conference in Europe, and 2023 marks its 18th edition. Sponsored by ACM SIGOPS Europe and hosted May 8 to May 12, the conference covers a wide range of topics, including operating systems, real-time and networked systems, storage and middleware, and distributed, parallel, and embedded computing, as well as their implications for applications and hardware. As in previous years, Microsoft has a strong presence in the conference, drawing from research and production teams in Asia, […]

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Research Focus: Week of May 8, 2023

Welcome to Research Focus, a series of blog posts that highlights notable publications, events, code/datasets, new hires and other milestones from across the research community at Microsoft. In this article AWARD Microsoft’s danah boyd awarded MIT’s Morison Prize danah boyd, a partner researcher at Microsoft Research, has been awarded MIT’s Morison Prize  

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Ultimate OpenAI Whisper Tutorial – Both API and Open Source

Introduction In this article, we will do a complete deep dive into the OpenAI Whisper tutorial by covering both its API and the open-source version available in the GitHub repository. We will first understand what is OpenAI Whisper, then see the respective offerings and limitations of the API and open-source version. Finally, we will cover detailed examples of Whisper models to showcase their variety of features and capabilities. What is OpenAI Whisper OpenAI Whisper is an    

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