Template for a Dataflow Flex Template in Python

This repository contains a template for a Dataflow Flex Template written in Python that can easily be used to build Dataflow jobs to run in STOIX using Dataflow runner. The code is based on the same example data as Google Cloud Python Quickstart, “King Lear” which is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. The Dataflow job reads the file content, count occurencies of each word and inserts it to a BigQuery table. We also add the schedule date to the […]

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Copier template for solving Advent of Code puzzles with Python

This template creates scaffolding for one day of Advent of Code. It includes tests and can download your personal input data if you have advent-of-code-data installed. Quick Start The first time you use this template you should make sure that you have Copier installed and optionally advent-of-code-data as well. You can install these with pipx and pip: $ pipx install copier $ python -m pip install advent-of-code-data Once you have Copier on your system, you can create Advent of Code […]

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A general purpose template driven code generator

A general purpose template driven code generatorContribute shits to your company’s shit mountain more efficiently! Quick Start Install pip3 install shit_mountain_generator vscode Template Language Highlighting The vscode extension for shit template language highlight support is now on marketplace!search for Shit Template Language in vscode extension tab to install Create a generator script from ShitMountainGenerator import Shitter shitter = Shitter.from_template(path=”/path/to/template.tmpl”) shits = shitter.shit(context={“your”: “variable”, “loop_contexts”: [{“loop”: “context”}, {

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