A Python module that allows you to create and use simple sockets

A Python module that allows you to create and use simple sockets. The easysockets module can be installed using pip. or pip install git+https://github.com/Matthias1590/EasySockets.git You can also install it by cloning this repository and running the following commands: python3 setup.py build python3 setup.py install The easysockets module contains 3 main classes: ServerSocket, ClientSocket and Connection. Below are examples on how to use each of them. ServerSocket:

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The RDT protocol (RDT3.0,GBN,SR) implementation and performance evaluation code using socket

코드를 실행할때 리시버를 먼저 실행하세요. 성능 평가 코드는 패킷 전송 과정을 제외하고 시간당 전송률을 출력합니다. RDT3.0 GBN SR(버그 발견으로 구현중 입니다.) RDT 3.0 성능평가 결과 GBN 성능평가 결과 SR 성능평가 결과-코드 수정중 입니다. GitHub The Github Link Is For Subscribers Only Subscribe now Already have an account? Sign in    

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