Doosan robotic arm, simulation, control, visualization in Gazebo and ROS2 for Reinforcement Learning

General Overview This repository includes: First, how to simulate a 6DoF Robotic Arm from scratch using GAZEBO and ROS2. Second, it provides a custom Reinforcement Learning Environment where you can test the Robotic Arm with your RL algorithms. Finally, we test the simulation and environment with a reacher target task, using RL and the 6DoF Robotic Arm with a visual target point. Prerequisites Library Version (TESTED) Ubuntu 20.04 ROS2 Foxy ros2_control link gazebo_ros2_control link How to run this Repository In […]

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Network Dynaimcs Simulation For Python

A Final Year Project in CUHK, Autumn 2021 Files param.h edit all the variables & settings here simulate.c the main program to run the network dynaimcs How to use edit variables in param.h place param.h and simulate.c in the same folder compile simulate.c wait for results Output export up to 4 files OUT_SPIK stores all the spiking data column 1: index of nodes, starting from 1 column 2: number of spikes of the corresponding node remining columns: time-stamps of each […]

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Unknown Horizons official code repository

Unknown-Horizons based on Fifengine is no longer in development. We are porting it to Godot Engine. Please dont report any new bugs. Only bugfixes will get acepted for maybe an last release. Unknown Horizons is a 2D real time strategy simulation with an emphasis on economy and city building. Expand your small settlement to a strong and wealthy colony, collect taxes and supply your inhabitants with valuable goods. Increase your power with a well balanced economy and with strategic trade […]

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Monopoly simulator with python

Original creator: Games Computer Play allows dynamic variable loadingIt is more versitle than .env files example: log=True # disables override logs if False (default True) showMap=True # overrides the showmap=False option in the main file Powershell:get-content log.txt -wait -tail 30 Bash:tail log.txt -f Copyright Copyright (C) 2021 gamescomputersplay and nopeless All code is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later. That is, the GNU General Public License, either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. The

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Simulation module for PyGran: a DEM toolkit for rapid quantitative analysis of granular/powder systems

PyGranSim is part of the PyGran project, an open-source toolkit primarily designed for DEM simulation & analysis. In addition to performing basic and custom post-processing, PyGran enables running DEM simulation with the PyGranSim module. For more info on PyGran, see here. If your find PyGran useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper: @article{aam2019pygran, title={PyGran: An object-oriented library for DEM simulation and analysis}, author={Abi-Mansour, Andrew}, journal={SoftwareX}, volume={9}, pages={168–174}, year={2019}, publisher={Elsevier}, doi={10.1016/j.softx.2019.01.016} } Quick Installation PyGranSim is typically installed […]

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Python / C++ based particle reaction-diffusion simulator

ReaDDy ReaDDy (Reaction Diffusion Dynamics) is an open source particle based reaction-diffusion simulator that can be configured and run via Python.Currently supported platforms are Mac and Linux. The preferred way of installing the software is by using the conda package manager: # add conda-forge channel conda config –add channels conda-forge # optional: create environment for readdy, switch to that environment conda create -n readdy python=3 source activate readdy # install readdy conda install -c readdy readdy A documentation and a […]

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Learning What To Do by Simulating the Past

Learning What To Do by Simulating the Past This repository contains code that implements the Deep Reward Learning by Simulating the Past (Deep RSLP) algorithm introduced in the paper “Learning What To Do by Simulating the Past”. This code is provided as is, and will not be maintained. Here we describe how to reproduce the experimental results reported in the paper. You can find video of policies trained with Deep RLSP here. Citation David Lindner, Rohin Shah, Pieter Abbeel, Anca […]

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A library of functions to compute climate indices from observations or model simulation

xclim: Climate indices computations xclim is a library of functions to compute climate indices from observations or model simulations. It is built using xarray and can benefit from the parallelization handling provided by dask. Its objective is to make it as simple as possible for users to compute indices from large climate datasets and for scientists to write new indices with very little boilerplate. For example, the following would compute monthly mean temperature from daily mean temperature: import xclim import […]

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An open-source computational electrodynamics Python simulator

PyCharge PyCharge is an open-source computational electrodynamics Python simulator that can calculate the electromagnetic fields and potentials generated by moving point charges and can self-consistently simulate dipoles modeled as Lorentz oscillators. PyCharge was designed to be accessible for a wide range of use cases: it can be used as a pedagogical tool for undergraduate and graduate-level EM theory courses to provide an intuitive understanding of the EM waves generated by moving point charges, and can also be used by researchers […]

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Simulate dynamic systems expressed in block diagram form using Python

Block diagram simulation This Python package enables modelling and simulation of dynamic systems conceptualized in block diagram form, but represented in terms of Python class and method calls. Unlike Simulink or LabView we write Python code rather than drawing boxes and wires. Wires can communicate any Python type such as scalars, lists, numpy arrays, other objects, and even functions. We first sketch the dynamic system we want to simulate as a block diagram, for example this simple first-order system which […]

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