A python script for 1-D array data classification

Keras-1D-NN-Classifier This code is based on the reference codes linked below. reference 1, reference 2 This code is for 1-D array data classification. The given data in ‘data’ directory is simple data for training and testing this code. About this code This code is iterated by changing the’learn rate’ variable to find the optimal learning rate. The related part is the code below. var = [ 4e-5,8e-5, 12e-5] for i in range(len(var)): var_str = ‘lr replay %d th’ % i […]

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Python code for working with NFL play by play data

nfl_data_py nfl_data_py is a Python library for interacting with NFL data sourced from nflfastR (https://github.com/nflverse/nflfastR-data/) and nfldata (https://github.com/nflverse/nfldata/). Installation Use the package manager pip to install nfl_data_py. pip install nfl_data_py Usage import nfl_data_py as nfl Working with play-by-play data nfl.import_pbp_data(years, columns) Returns play-by-play data for the years and columns specified years : required, list of years to pull data for (earliest available is 1999) columns : optional, list of columns to pull data for nfl.see_pbp_cols() returns list of columns available […]

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A tiny tool using script for schema to schedule one day

Schemdule Schemdule is a tiny tool using script for schema to schedule one day and remind you to do something during a day. Usage $ pip install schemdule Write a Schema It’s a pure python script, so you can use any python statement in it. Schemdule provide at and cycle functions for registering events. # time_str can be {hh:mm} or {hh:mm:ss} def at(time_str: str, message: str): # register an event at time with message … def cycle(start_str: str, end_str: str, […]

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A Python script that creates subtitles of a given length from text paragraphs

Text to Subtitles – Python A Python script that creates subtitles of a given length from text paragraphs that can be easily imported into any Video Editing software such as FinalCut Pro for further adjustments. 2. Description 2.1 Problem In a fast-paced TV, Film, and Video production environment Video Editors are often faced with the task to create subtitles quickly and efficiently. They will often have a script that they manually into Video Editing software, one subtitle at a time, […]

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Python script designed to search and fetch direct download links from nxbrew.com

SwitchGamesDownloader nxbrew.com is a website, accessible only using a proxy, where the majority of games for the Nintendo Switch are stored, this script will ask you for the game to be searched in the aformentioned website then tunnel your request through hide.me providing you with the final download link skipping all those filthy scam pages and pop-up tabs. PRE-REQUISITES You need to have Python3 installed in PATH You need to have Chrome installed You will need to download Chromedriver.exe and […]

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A simple python script using Numpy and Matplotlib library

Mohr’s Circle Calculator A simple python script using Numpy and Matplotlib library to plot a Mohr’s Circle when given a two-dimensional state of stress. This is a really small personal project done for Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University (formerly, Delhi College of Engineering) for a course in Mechanics of Solid (Course Code – CE202). It is a simple program using Python, NumPy and Matplotlibwhich helps a user to plot Mohr’s Cirle when given the two-dimensional state of stress. […]

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Randomization-based inference in Python

resample Randomisation-based inference in Python based on data resampling and permutation. Features Bootstrap samples (ordinary or balanced with optional stratification) from N-D arrays Apply parametric bootstrap (Gaussian, Poisson, gamma, etc.) on samples Compute bootstrap confidence intervals (percentile or BCa) for any estimator Jackknife estimates of bias and variance of any estimator Permutation-based variants of traditional statistical tests (t-test, K-S test, etc.) Tools for working with empirical distributions (CDF, quantile, etc.) Dependencies Installation requires only numpy and scipy. Installation The latest […]

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A toy compiler that can convert Python scripts to pickle bytecode

Pickora A small compiler that can convert Python scripts to pickle bytecode. Requirements No third-party modules are required. Usage usage: pickora.py [-h] [-d] [-r] [-o OUTPUT] file A toy compiler that can convert Python scripts to pickle bytecode. positional arguments: file the Python script to compile optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -d, –dis disassamble compiled pickle bytecode -r, –eval, –run run the pickle bytecode -o OUTPUT, –output OUTPUT Write compiled pickle to file For exmple, […]

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A python script to bypass disablefund, provide some useful information

ScanDF The purpose of this script is to bypass disablefund, provide some useful information, and dig the hook function of PHP extension. df-bypass.py Use: Python df-bypass.py – U URL (phpinfo information) EG1: Test [geek challenge 2019] rce me You can directly use the hook function to bypass the DL – runtime load a PHP extension EG2: [Blue Hat Cup 2021] one pointer PHP Direct hit FPM modify ant sword source code!! putenv-ld_preload.py By bypassing the putenv hook function, we can […]

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