Script that performs the identification of all logins and passwords of the wifis connected to a machine and sends the data to a specified email

Script que realiza a identificação de todos os logins e senhas dos wifis conectados em uma máquina e envia os dados para um e-mail especificado. Instalação Para configurar o sistema para desenvolvimento em sua máquina local, siga as instruções abaixo: Clone o repositório para sua máquina git clone Realize a alteração do e-mail do remetente e destinatário e também a inclusão do token de validação do email. Execute o arquivo python Exemplo GitHub View Github    

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Python Service for MISP Feed Management

Python Service for MISP Feed Management This set of scripts is designed to offer better reliability and more control over the fetching of feeds into MISP. For the moment, the schedule is broken up into multiple components, at the top of each plugin and in MISP_TIMES: An array of times (24hr format) when enabled MISP feeds will be fetched and cached. TEXT_TIMES: An array of times (24hr format) when enabled plaintext and CSV feeds will be fetched and cached. […]

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wafer circleci with python

Create a file “Dockerfile” with below content FROM python:3.7 COPY . /app WORKDIR /app RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ENTRYPOINT [ “python” ] CMD [ “” ] Create a “Procfile” with following content create a file “.circleciconfig.yml” with following content

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Repositório contendo scripts Python que realizam a consulta de CPF e CNPJ diretamente no site da Receita Federal

Repositório contendo scripts Python que realizam a consulta de CPF e CNPJ diretamente no site da Receita Federal. Requerimentos Python 3.x instalado; Driver do navegador que será utilizado. Clique aqui para mais informações; Caminho do driver baixado adicionado ao PATH. Instalação Na pasta do repositório, execute o comando: pip install -r requirements.txt Alterações necessárias Para a execução, é necessário adaptar o código para o navegador que será utilizado. Por padrão o código utiliza o navegador Microsoft Edge. Modificar se necessário: […]

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A query extract python package

Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License -> Installation pip install Query-Extract Usage import query_extract link = “” print(query_extract.extract(link)) # returns :- “”” { “username”: “FayasNoushad”, “theme”: “tokyonight” } “”” data = { “username”: “FayasNoushad”, “theme”: “tokyonight” } print(query_extract.stringify(data)) # => username=FayasNoushad&theme=tokyonight GitHub – FayasNoushad/Query-Extract at A query extract python package. Contribute to FayasNoushad/Query-Extract development by creating an account on GitHub. GitHubFayasNoushad    

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SomaFM Plugin for Kodi

This description is a bit outdated. You can simply install this addon by browsing the official repositories from within Kodi. Installation Installation currently requires you to know where your addons folder is located. Please refer tothe Kodi Wiki article on userdata to find it. To find theaddons folder, simply replace every instance of userdata in the article with addons. Git Change into your addons folder Clone the repository into a new folder Done On Linux and possibly Mac OSX […]

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A simple Botter made in Python 3 for

A simple Botter made in Python 3 for sorry for the shitty code lol.Cancel changes You need Python 3 installed on your device.After, do you need to install the requirements trought the file requirements.txt. Run this command in the same directory:pip3 install -r requirements.txt Then, just run the Tool with:python3 Telegram: || 1713081092 Discord: AsyncCode#4450 || 843362798486159371 Telegram: Discord: kl3sshydra#6257 GitHub View Github    

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