Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py

Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch APIBased of Scratch2py Installation Run this command in your terminal as ONE command. pip install scratch2py && pip install –force-reinstall websocket-client Usage Import scratch2py in like this: from scratch2py import Scratch2Py s2py = Scratch2Py(‘username’, ‘password’) # Imports s2py and initializes    

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Simply scratch test scores and exam times of candidates

Nó chỉ để cào 1 trang web Tạo file tên người dùng và mật khẩu xen kẽ lẫn nhau rồi lưu dưới dạng 1 file .txt Copy đường dẫn của file vừa tạo và Paste vào file config.txt Copy đường dẫn file chromedriver.exe trong thư mục project sau đó Paset vào file config.txt Bạn phải đặt tên thư mục và đường dẫn đều phải là English :)) nghĩa đen. Nếu bạn muốn thử cứ đặt Vietnamese thử đi mình […]

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Finding LCM using python from scratch

Here, I write a practice program to find the LCM i.e Lowest Common Multiplication of two numbers using python without library. Requirements No Special Requirements Contribution I have strong belief on open source contribution and I promote the open source contribution. So, I invite you all to add new features in this game and also simplify the code as you can. Come here and show your talent. Authors and acknowledgment Author Name: Sachin Vinayak Dabhade License GNU – Open for […]

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