Python to scrape overview and reviews of companies from Glassdoor

Data Scraping for Glassdoor This is python to scrape overview and reviews of companies from Glassdoor. Please use it carefully and follow the Terms of Service that explicitly prohibits web scraping. Built With Getting Started Download the file. Change the path of the chromedriver on your machine. Use your own file that contain the lists of the companies glassdoor url. The company url csv file is also attached here. The way to generate the file is also based on […]

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Web scrapper to quote articles

Este web scrapper esta desarrollado en python 3.10.0 para buscar en la pagina de cyber puerta articulos dentro del catalogo. El programa te pedira que ingreses los articulos a traves de la consola que te gustaria buscar dentro de la pagina, despues te pedira el filtro que viene por default en la pagina. Al recopilar los articulos se generara un archivo con extencion csv en el cual se podran ver por separado las opciones de los articulos que tienen dentro […]

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Library support get vocabulary from MEM

Features: Support scraping the courses in MEM to take the vocabulary Support scraping IPA of English Language (US and UK) Support translate to your mother language Appplication Requires Install DB Browser : SQLite Install Library: Window python -m pip install memrise Linux macOS Guidelines How to take Course ID? Access the Website: Memrise and copy the Course ID as the following picture: Import library and initialize database

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A simple web scraper using python

A simple python web scraper. It gets a website and its contents and parses them with the help of bs4. Installation To install the requirements, run the following commands; To change directories: cd Dissec To make the files executable: chmod +x * To install the requirements: python Usage Run the script using: python It’ll prompt you, asking for a website that you want to scrape. Enter any website that you want to scrape. The website can be with […]

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A Web scraping library and command-line tool for text discovery and extraction

Description Trafilatura is a Python package and command-line tool which seamlessly downloads, parses, and scrapes web page data: it can extract metadata, main body text and comments while preserving parts of the text formatting and page structure. The output can be converted to different formats. Distinguishing between a whole page and the page’s essential parts can help to alleviate many quality problems related to web text processing, by dealing with    

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Using Selenium to Webscrape Data of Top Tech YouTubers

webscrape_youtube Web scraping was performed on the Top 10 Tech Channels on Youtube using Selenium (an automated browser (driver) controlled using python, which is often used in web scraping and web testing). Web scrapped Youtube channels were were determined using a Top 10 Tech Youtubers list from Scraping included: General data for each channel ex.join date, name, no. of subscribers Data from most popular videos per channel Data specific to each video. ex. post date, no. of upvotes, no. […]

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mlscraper: Scrape data from HTML pages automatically with Machine Learning

mlscraper mlscraper allows you to extract structured data from HTML automatically with Machine Learning. You train it by providing a few examples of your desired output. It will then figure out the extraction rules for you automatically and afterwards you’ll be able to extract data from any new page you provide. How it works After you’ve defined the data you want to scrape, mlscraper will: find your samples inside the HTML DOM determine which rules/methods to apply for extraction extract […]

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