Auto Rollnumber sender with python

The above code fits better on my system but it can vary system to system. To set up this code perfectly in your system,Perform the following steps: Take the Screenshot of the google meet after opening the comment section/message section as shown below – Take this screenshot to `Paint` and note the coordinates of `writting box` and `sending button`– Now change the corrdinates in the code by your coordinate values and save the changes– Run the code Keep your meet […]

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Dice Rolling Simulator using Python-random

As the name of the program suggests, we will be imitating a rolling dice. This is one of the interesting python projects and will generate a random number each dice the program runs, and the users can use the dice repeatedly for as long as he wants. When the user rolls the dice, the program will generate a random number between 1 and 6 (as on a standard dice). The number will then be displayed to the user. It will […]

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A software to rick roll people

A python program for rick rolling people. (And annoying them too) What is rick roll? Read this wikipedia article – Rickrolling About program This program will mass create text channels and open many rick roll video tabs on the default web browser. Executable Application [exe] exe fill will be available soon Contributors Atidipt123 GitHub View Github    

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