Python tutorials

Data Extraction Techniques

When we think about Data Engineering, ETL is the powerhouse and a core building block of most Data Warehouses. And while it is becoming a popular subject among all and is as simple as it sounds, an inside look in its processes is often something that most don’t mention about. If we peek at the first step of ETL, i.e. the Extraction of Data, it is a very important and crucial process. Until and unless you have the correct and […]

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A Practical Introduction to Web Scraping in Python

Although regular expressions are great for pattern matching in general, sometimes it’s easier to use an HTML parser that’s explicitly designed for parsing out HTML pages. There are many Python tools written for this purpose, but the Beautiful Soup library is a good one to start with. Install Beautiful Soup To install Beautiful Soup, you can run the following in your terminal: $ python -m pip install beautifulsoup4 With this command, you’re installing the latest version of Beautiful Soup into […]

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SQLAlchemy tutorial pt.1

SQLAlchemy is package which enables working with SQL in pythonic way. The biggest advantage of SQLAlchemy is that you don’t need to deal with different dialects of SQL (Postgres, MySQL, Oracle etc.) but rather with Python objects. There    

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Solving NLP problems quickly with IBM Watson NLP

As data scientists, before starting on the developing the models, by trying to find and download open-source models or develop models on your own, wouldn’t it be nice to have all of these handy and available to be implemented in just a few lines of code? That’s exactly what I will show you today in this blog post. With Watson NLP, you get state-of-the art pre-trained models for numerous NLP use-cases that can get you up and running    

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