Python tutorials

Gradient Descent in Python: Implementation and Theory

Introduction This tutorial is an introduction to a simple optimization technique called gradient descent, which has seen major application in state-of-the-art machine learning models. We’ll develop a general purpose routine to implement gradient descent and apply it to solve different problems, including classification via supervised learning. In this process, we’ll gain an insight into the working of this algorithm and study the effect of various hyper-parameters on its performance. We’ll also go over batch and stochastic gradient descent variants as […]

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Tapping Twitter Sentiments: A Complete Case-Study on 2015 Chennai Floods

Introduction We did this case study as a part of our capstone project at Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai. After we presented this study, we got an overwhelming response from our professors & mentors. Later, they encouraged us to share our work to help others learn something new. We’ve been following Analytics Vidhya for a while now. Everyone knows, it’s probably the largest engine to share analytics knowledge. We tried and got lucky in connecting with their content team. So, […]

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An Intuitive Understanding of Word Embeddings: From Count Vectors to Word2Vec

Introduction Before we start, have a look at the below examples. You open Google and search for a news article on the ongoing Champions trophy and get hundreds of search results in return about it. Nate silver analysed millions of tweets and correctly predicted the results of 49 out of 50 states in 2008 U.S Presidential Elections. You type a sentence in google translate in English and get an Equivalent Chinese conversion.   So what do the above examples have […]

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The Ultimate Learning Path to Becoming a Data Scientist in 2018

Introduction So you’ve taken the plunge. You want to become a data scientist. But where to begin? There are far too many resources out there. How do you decide the starting point? Did you miss out on topics you should have studied? Which are the best resources to learn? Don’t worry, we have you covered! Analytics Vidhya’s learning path for 2016 saw 250,000+ views. In 2017, we went even further and saw an incredible 500,000+ views! So this year, we […]

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Tutorial on Text Classification (NLP) using ULMFiT and fastai Library in Python

Introduction Natural Language Processing (NLP) needs no introduction in today’s world. It’s one of the most important fields of study and research, and has seen a phenomenal rise in interest in the last decade. The basics of NLP are widely known and easy to grasp. But things start to get tricky when the text data becomes huge and unstructured. That’s where deep learning becomes so pivotal. Yes, I’m talking about deep learning for NLP tasks – a still relatively less […]

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A Step-by-Step NLP Guide to Learn ELMo for Extracting Features from Text

Introduction I work on different Natural Language Processing (NLP) problems (the perks of being a data scientist!). Each NLP problem is a unique challenge in its own way. That’s just a reflection of how complex, beautiful and wonderful the human language is. But one thing has always been a thorn in an NLP practitioner’s mind is the inability (of machines) to understand the true meaning of a sentence. Yes, I’m talking about context. Traditional NLP techniques and frameworks were great when […]

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NLP Essentials: Removing Stopwords and Performing Text Normalization using NLTK and spaCy in Python

Overview Learn how to remove stopwords and perform text normalization in Python – an essential Natural Language Processing (NLP) read We will explore the different methods to remove stopwords as well as talk about text normalization techniques like stemming and lemmatization Put your theory into practice by performing stopwords removal and text normalization in Python using the popular NLTK, spaCy and Gensim libraries   Introduction Don’t you love how wonderfully diverse Natural Language Processing (NLP) is? Things we never imagined […]

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An Exhaustive Guide to Detecting and Fighting Neural Fake News using NLP

Overview Neural fake news (fake news generated by AI) can be a huge issue for our society This article discusses different Natural Language Processing methods to develop robust defense against Neural Fake News, including using the GPT-2 detector model and Grover (AllenNLP) Every data science professional should be aware of what neural fake news is and how to combat it   Introduction Fake news is a major concern in our society right now. It has gone hand-in-hand with the rise […]

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What is Tokenization in NLP? Here’s All You Need To Know

Highlights Tokenization is a key (and mandatory) aspect of working with text data We’ll discuss the various nuances of tokenization, including how to handle Out-of-Vocabulary words (OOV)   Introduction Language is a thing of beauty. But mastering a new language from scratch is quite a daunting prospect. If you’ve ever picked up a language that wasn’t your mother tongue, you’ll relate to this! There are so many layers to peel off and syntaxes to consider – it’s quite a challenge. […]

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A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Become an Industry-Ready Data Science Professional

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sub-field Machine Learning (ML) have taken the world by storm. From face recognition cameras, smart personal assistants to self-driven cars. We are moving towards a world enhanced by these recent upcoming technologies. It’s the most exciting time to be in this career field! The global Artificial Intelligence market is expected to grow to $400 billion by the year 2025. From Startups to big organizations, all want to join […]

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